Anastasia J. Gollov
The Destiny Code
"The Destiny Code" guides its readers on a fascinating journey to discover the true self. The book you are holding in your hands provides you with a highly effective tool to learn all about yourself - a special methodology that allows you to calculate and interpret your Destiny Code using your date of birth. It not only allows you to work out what your own special number code is, but using the prism of esotericism leads its readers to a revolutionary understanding of themselves and the wider universe. This book provides a fascinating way to discover the true self and is imbued with a caring and responsible attitude to its readers. It contains the author's own deeply considered verses in the Native American lyrical epic style, which have been designed to help the reader contemplate the energies present within them through the historical experience of the intersection of sacred knowledge and the human perception of existence.
For Pathfinders!
Every person at least once in their life asks a question about themselvs! Everyone is searching for the truth - "Who am I?" and "What is my Destiny? The book answers questions about identity, essence, meaning, and the way we chose to follow. In addition, The Destiny Code gives clear instructions and reveals routes to finding the Truth and coming to a better version of Self.
For Esoteric Masters
"The Destiny Code" is for those who already have experience in the sacred knowledge to expand the boundaries of their vision. This book is for those who are able to go above and beyond the generally accepted norms. For those who can and want to consider the multiple layers of reality. For those who see and search for sacred meanings.
For Skeptics!
Denial of reality is just a poor awareness of the existence of the Self in this real life! If something doesn't seem clear, it's worth to study this question even deeper.
The book "The Destiny Code" is the author's view of the numerological system and the tool of self-discovery through the metaphorical system of Esoteric and Magic. It's also a reflection on "Who are we?" and "Where do we go next?" by looking back at the experience of our ancestors. It is a manifesto that calls for sensitivity and consideration for everyone living on Earth.
Anastasia J. Gollov is a master of spirituality and energies, a practitioner of Tarot readings and the Destiny Code system.
Anastasia turned her hobby into a professional activity by practicing on Tarots reading from her young age. Working with different people from all over the world Anastasia helps others to look at life through the prism of sacred knowledge. Offering her clients a unique methodology by combining various spiritual practices in her work.
We invite you to visit the official A. J. Gollov page at where you can use the FREE Destiny Code calculator!
coming soon
At the beginning of the path, it is important to learn how to calculate the Manual Destiny Code in order to dive as deeply as possible into the world of energies, their flows and connections between them containing the keys to a person's life. It is quite fascinating and exciting on the physical and energetic levels. And most importantly, it is very productive.
We present the Companion Workbook, a supplement to the Destiny Code book.
"Every day of my life I find myself searching. Looking for answers to the questions many of us are asking. About "Who are we?", "Where did we come from?", "Where do we go from here? Over many years of practice, I've gained experience. I have found effective tools, I have gathered knowledge.
And now it is time to share this knowledge with others.
I would like to present you my book “The Destiny Code: matrix. The way to the True Self! This book will change the way you think about yourself and the people around you.
How well do you know yourself? Who are you? What are your desires? Habits? Fears? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Do you belong in this life? Are you on the right road? What is your Destination?
I'm opening you a special opportunity to look at this world through the prism of sacred meanings, and through the practical methodology. It is devoted to my work to understand your present self and determine your destination in this life!
My book is for those who are looking for answers. For those who are able to overcome prejudice and the framework of generally accepted norms. My book is for those who are ready to take the first step toward their true self!
A. J. G.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Anastasia J. Gollov!
Добро пожаловать на официальный сайт Анастасии Джей Голлов, где Вы можете найти информацию о мастере, воспользоваться бесплатным калькулятором матрицы Кода Судьбы и скачать книги автора. Используя, бесплатный калькулятор матрицы Кода Судьбы Вы получаете уникальное руководство к осознанию своей жизни и алгоритмы управления ею Код Судьбы – эта особая практика, объединяющая тайные знания эзотерики и нумерологии. Расчет Кода Судьбы делается на основе даты рождения человека. Определение вашего личного предназначения позволяет заглянуть за грани обыденного и узнать Ваши Духовные задачи в этой жизни. Воспользуйтесь Уникальным бесплатным калькулятором матрицы Кода Судьбы чтобы узнать больше о себе и других Если Вы задаете себе вопросы: «Как изменить свою жизнь?», «Как найти себя и свое место в жизни?», «Как найти любовь и встретить любимого человека?», «Как обрести смысл жизни?» и «Почему все в жизни складывается так а не иначе?» - откройте для себя уникальную методику матрица Кода Судьбы. Энергии, скрытые в числах вашей даты рождения, открывают смыслы, которые помогут Вам познать себя. Код Судьбы дает вам данные, которые позволяют понять таланты, особенности характера, отличительные черты личности, оценить активность денежного потока и определить личное предназначение Используя, бесплатный калькулятор Совместимости матрицы Кода Судьбы Вы получите полную картину отношений с партнером (любимым человеком или партнером по бизнесу), определите совместные задачи и кармические предназначения союза. Уникальная методика Совместимости матрицы Кода Судьбы раскрывает Общее Предназначение, которое скрыто в датах рождения партнеров. Откройте для себя новые знания. Взгляните за горизонт возможностей! Измените свою жизнь и Себя к лучшему! Сделайте первый шаг на встречу Своему Предназначению!